Since 1933; De Negri grappa Distillery of Vittorio Veneto has been offering its customers products of the highest quality thanks to the utmost care and attention paid to every single detail. For instance, when distilling Grappa, the grape skins is always carefully selected and for the most part processed when still fresh, leaving a very short time between vintage and the beginning of the distillation process.
Distillation is carried out in a strictly traditional way, handed down from one generation to the next: discontinuously (batch) and using only small copper kettles, the only ones can emphasize the features of the original grapes.
Grappa "De Negri" on TV
Shop: 101 Oberdan Street, Vittorio Veneto, Italy
Ancient manual of recipes (1924)
GRAPPA (1949-52)
Distilleria F. DE NEGRI & C. s.r.l. Via Oberdan, 101 I-31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) Italy - Tel. - Fax +39 0438 53352 -
R.E.A. TV/14737 Reg.Imp.TV - C.F. e P.IVA 00178890265
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